• Friday, June 10, 2011

    Cows and Kids

    This is the sight that greats me most summer mornings.
    If you ignore the big fat suburban in our driveway and
    the tractor trailers barreling past it is a very relaxing scene.
    To me anyway. I love watching the cows contently chew their cud,
     the white rail fence, and the green of the grass.

    If you're really quiet you can even hear them chew

    and early in the morning when there is hardly any traffic
    you can start a stampee just by blowing your nose.
    Not really but you might startle a few.

    And yes, I know they're heifers.
    But peaking of stampeeds.
    Look who came to our house.
    Avery and Mia
    Glendon came for the evening.
    It was so hard getting a picture of that boy.

    Mia is such a doll.
    She is so lively.

    I love to watch these too together.
    They are 5 weeks apart.
    She is so curious and full of energy and needs to see everything that is going on
    and wants what is just out of her reach and knows how to get it. 
    Preston on the other hand just likes to sit back and
    watch what is going on and if nothing is happening,
    well, hey is that a new freckle on my hand well,
    lets examine that for awhile.


    Who knows, though next year they could be totally opposite.
    That's what keeps life interesting.
    That and watching the cows across the road.

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