• Monday, August 2, 2010

    Rockhall, Md

          For the 3rd year in a row our friends and us have loaded up our vehicles and headed for the water. It is a weekend filled with sweat, sunscreen, bug spray, and too little room with too many children. And we love every minute of it! The first year just us ladies went but now we drag the men down with the promise that they get one day to go fishing. It is so fun to be with these friends and it is always over too soon.

                                      Bob ans Mary Lou Weaver and family
                                            Their  1 yr old is sleeping.
    Jess and Jeff  and their son
    Lisa and Shannon and their son


        I did not get a family picture of the other family. Jen, Jr and their two sons. Sorry!

    Our beach house's living room. It's very small with 10 adults and 14 children. We rented a camper for one family to sleep in.

    Quintin with Tessa and Sara
    Baby Sara
    She loved the sand!

    Quintin found a crab.

    Eww! a crab!

    Double Eww! a crab!

    Why must I wear these silly things around my arms? This is as close as I've gotten to the water yet!

     MMM! Sand is sooo good!

    The older girls LOVED the water. They were out there most of the time. They would eat a little and then run off! My poor red heads got burnt to a crisp from the shoulders up!

    Time to eat!

    So many cuties at the beach! 

    This man is not too fond of the beach.
    But give him a drink and some shade and he's happy.

    A snapshot of summer.
    A line of wet swimming suits that just helped bring half the beach back to the house.

    We celebrated Jayden's 4th birthday Friday night. After that us girls lit out of there for a GNO.
     (girl's night out)

    A picture of Jen and her little men.

    These girls are as fun as a barrel of monkeys!
    We have made alot of memories over the years.
    Judy, we missed you!

    I had to take some six month pictures.

    Jess is such a cute pregnant lady.

    I heart being pregnant! For now.

    And what would the beach be without making everyone get gussied up and posing nice for some pictures?  Here is my family. Don't we all look happy?!


    1. Glad to know I was Missed. This time seeing your pic's So made me want to be along. Then I thought maybe next year Claudia and I can come in to go along. I know already Roy won't be able to. Just doesn't seem right to see my sisters with quote my friends. Ha No I am so glad my friends are so cool my sisters even want to be included. Ok Just miss you all and wish I could have been there.

    2. By the way the last comment was Judy Covarrubias The best one of the bunch. ha It won't let me comment any other way.
